Cognitive science and Brain concerns the explanation of mental faculties such as language acquisition, perception, decision making, creativity and awareness. Cognitive research is anchored in different fields including Psychology, Linguistics, Philosophy, Logic and computation, and Neuroscience. The uniqueness of the cognitive science curriculum is the integration of these different fields, which is aimed at uncovering the processes that underlie mental phenomena. Distinct examples for such successful integration can be found in theories of language acquisition and creation: Linguistics and logic devise formal constraints emanating from language analysis, psychology characterizes the processes which satisfy these constraints, neurology locates the brain structures performing these same processes, and computational models provide a theoretical and conceptual framework for describing them.
The bachelor’s degree program was introduced in 2001, in addition to a master’s degree program, and a more compressed academic minor, which were also previously available. The program’s goal is to introduce students to content, research methods and the different types of thought characteristic to cognitive science, thereby developing flexible thinking and interdisciplinary proficiency which will open various employment opportunities to graduates. Alumni of the program would, among other options, be able to carry out further research in cognitive science, and to specialize in unique fields in the hi-tech industry, such as computational linguistics, language and logic, neural computation, and computation and music.
The program is a joint effort involving the faculties of Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Science, and the School of Education. It offers a a Bachelor of Science (BS.c.) degree, a bachelor’s minor and a and a full individual graduate program (M.A.).
Mr. Nitzan Guy, B.A. and Minor Studies Advisor -
Prof. Anat Maril, M.A. Advisor -
Ms. Ziva Rahmin, Secretary - Tel: +972-2-5883758,
Office hours: Sun-Thurs 10:00-13:00