: Call for Applications to Tenure-track Faculty Positions in
The Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Registration will be open until Aug. 8th.
The goal of the Master's program is to introduce the students to the content and methodology of cognitive science field and to enable each student to specialize in one research area, while becoming familiar with the others.
The M.A. program is designated for B.A. grduates in fields related to cognitive studies: Philosophy, Psychology, Linguistics, English (linguistic-orientated), Education, Musicology, Life Sciences, Computer Science, Speech Therapy, and of course Cognitive Science. Acceptance to the M.A. program requires the student be accepted by the departnemt commitee and is subject to requirements of the faculty of the Humanities.
Acceptance to the program is competitive, based on grades and on a letter describing the candidate's research intentions. Priority is given to candidates with research experience and/or to candidates who have contacted an advisor and have ideas for a research project. That's because the M.A. program is self-tailored, based on a curriculum devised by the students and their advisors.
A list of faculty members in the department of Cognitive Sciences is available under the “People” menu. Students are not restricted to this list, and are invited to contact potential advisors from related disciplines who are associated with cognitive research. A list of MA dissertations written by students in the program is available here.
In order to apply to the program one must first register for M.A. studies in Hebrew University's registration system, here.
In addition, one must submit a request to register to the M.A. program in Cognitive Science. Upon registration in the university's registration system, please prepare and submit the following documents:
Documentation should be sent to Ziva, by email: yuliapc@savion.huji.ac.il
or by mail: Ziva Rahamin, Department of Cognitive Science, Faculty of Humanities, Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.
Please note that although registration for M.A. studies in Hebrew University's registration system and paying the registration fee are mandatory for applying for the Cognitive Science M.A. program, registration itself does not guarantee one's acceptance the M.A. program.
Information and guidlines regarding registration can be found here.
Assitance is available at tel. no.: +972-2-5882607
Graduates of the Hebrew University (who have completed their studies after 1976) must pay the registration fee. A “registration fee voucher” can be obtained in the faculty offices.
Students who are not Hebrew University graduates, as well as students who have completed their B.A. studies in Hebrew University before 1976, must register in the Office of Student Registration and pay the registation fee.
Please follow the instructions that appear in the registration system.
The department office hours are: Sun-Thu between 10:00-13:00, Australia Complex, Mount Scopus campus. Tel: +972-2-5883758. We will be happy to assist with any questions.