
Head of department: Prof. Omri Abend

B.A. and Minor Studies Advisor: Dr. Nitzan Guy

M.A. Advisor: Dr. Ariel Goldstein

PhD Advisor: Dr. Oren Forkosh

Teaching and Student Administrator: Mrs. Tatyana Aleksandrov

Students Coordinator: Mr. Shaked Sukiennik

Department Secretary: Mrs. Daniela Michaeli
Sun.-Thurs. 10:00-13:00, Tel: +972-2-5882760

Secretary for Administration Affairs:
Mrs. Yulia Perelman
Tel: +972-2-5883758

M.A. curriculum

Students wishing to study in the program should contact an adviser who will guide them in planning their studies and their Master’s thesis. The studies will correspond with the main subject in which the student chose to specialize, and should include courses, seminars and utility courses from different faculties. The academic obligations are those of all Master’s studies in the Faculty of Humanities.

In addition to faculty procedures, the program’s students are required to comply with the following:

  1. Master’s students in the research program will study courses spanning 28 credits, to be  weighed into the degree. Also, each student is to obtain an exemption from an advanced research utility course (statistics and research methods, language, programming). This, in coordination with the adviser and M.A. counselor. The exemption can be obtained during the degree or based on previous studies.
  2. During the degree, It is possible to study up to 8 credits’ worth of auxiliary B.A. courses (excluding introductory first year courses), both from within the faculty or outside. 

B.A. studies with an average of 90 or above in the faculty, in total and in 2 credits’ worth of supplementary courses = 10% of tuition

Weight in final grade

Obligation type



Courses spanning 34 credits

It is possible to study up to 4 credits of courses designated for B.A. studies, both from within the faculty or outside (first-year courses aside, it would require an application of a request to the faculty's teaching committee, as well as recommendations from the advisor and M.A. counsellors for those who wish to exceed those limitations for said courses). All other courses would be designated for M.A. studies (with possibly required course completion. Will be determined based on bachelor’s studies). The courses list is found in the university catalogue.

The 36 credits include 8 credits for 6848 / 6858 courses "Research Tools A"/ "Research Tools B".


Seminar paper

This paper does not entitle credit (the course credits themselves are included in the 36 credits tally). The paper will be written only in a course defined as a seminar by the faculty. It is possible to write the seminar paper under the thesis advisor’s supervision.





Final exam


An oral exam based on research work and thesis.

The oral exam – 2 credits.


Research utilities

Language, programming course, qualitative / quantitative research methods. In accordance with the advisor and M.A. counselor.

The exemption can be obtained based on previous studies or during the degree.

Research utilities is not calculated in the degree average and not included in the required 36 credits total.

Participation in a lab-oriented course, such as a guided project, is recommended by the faculty.

* Request for courses acknowledgement - authorizing factor: M.A. counselor. The request should be submitted through a “request for counselor approval” form.

* Request for courses acknowledgement from other institutions - It is possible to have up to a third of the studies acknowledged.

Recommending factor: M.A. counselor. Authorizing factor: The Committee for Advanced Studies. The request should be submitted through a “Request for courses acknowledgement”, along with the advisor’s recommendation and an official grades sheet.

In accordance with the teaching committee, academic exemptions from other academic institutions would be given only for courses with a grade of at least 75.

Also, the credits are according to those studied in the Hebrew University. For example, students from the Open University who studied a course worth 6 credits; would be entitled to 4 credits only.